Women in Scouting

            On February 1st, 2019 The Boy Scouts of America, now called “Scouts BSA”, officially began enrolling girls in their programs. This controversial move has caused an uproar in the community. Many people seem to be upset that girls are now allowed in scouting. They make the argument that girls have the Girl Scout USA program, and do not need to be included in Scouts BSA. What seems to be missing in the public knowledge of scouting is that women in Scouts is nothing new. Of the five programs offered by BSA, three have allowed co-ed membership for years: Venture Scouting, Sea Scouting, and Exploring. So what’s changed? The Cub Scouts, a program designed for boys k-5, has now opened their enrollment to girls. The Cub Scouts generally “graduate” to the Scouts BSA program which runs from 6th grade through high school. Because of this, girls will now be able to fully participate in Scouts BSA. 

            As previously stated, women in scouting is nothing new. From den mothers to professional scouters, women have played an important role in guiding young scouts through their journey towards the values defined in the Scout Law: “trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent (Scout Law, scouting.org)”. Many adult leaders such as volunteers, camp masters, scout masters, and cub masters have been women for years. Several paid staff positions such as ranger, merit badge counselor, program director, camp director, commissioner and district executive are held by women. With so many female role models present in scouting already, it does not make sense for Scouts BSA to discriminate on the basis of sex. 

            The Scout Oath reads: “On my honor I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law; to help other people at all times; to keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight (Scout Law, scouting,org)”. Nowhere in this oath does it state that a scout must be male. As long as these scouts take their oath seriously and obey Scout Law, why should they not be allowed to grow in character, mind, and body because of gender?

            “Women don’t need to be in Boy Scouts, they can join the Girl Scouts!” While the Girl Scouts have served young women for years, it should not be used as a road block between girls and Scouts BSA. In an October 2017 PBS News Hour publication the Girl Scouts USA released a letter in response to Scouts BSA’s proposed gender policy change. It outlines how Girl Scouts USA is an important, by-girls, for-girls organization that promotes the benefits of female empowerment-lead character building and entrepreneurial growth (PBS NewsHour, pbs.org/newshour/nation/boy-scouts). The organization has also been advertising the rise of STEM education in their programs in an effort to dispel myths that Girl Scouts USA is focused on gender stereotypes and selling cookies. A Huffington Post article authored by Brook Warner hits on why female spaces are important for women. She says “We have sought each other out for support and championing, and we’ve created alliances and networks and sisterhoods because there are no wide-open roads for women as there are for men (Huffington Post, Why We Need Women Only Spaces)”. Girl Scouts USA definitely embodies the importance of women only spaces, and the empowerment, role modeling, and leadership that women can provide for young girls. The difference between this and what the Scouting BSA program offers girls is education in collaboration. While Girl Scouts USA gives girls the opportunity to learn to be strong as women, Scouting BSA gives all members, regardless of gender, the opportunity to grow in collaboration with one another. Girls participating in Scouts BSA, a traditionally male organization, is an equalizer in gender politics. Scouts BSA is not waging war against Girl Scouts USA, or trying to extinguish female-only spaces. They are offering an alternative path to character development through genderless collaboration. 

            With women being appreciated as counselors and role models in scouting, and being titled “Eagle Scout Mentors” it is an important step that they be fully recognized for the work they put into the merit of scouting. Finally being able to earn merit badges paves the way for women to earn the prestigious rank of Eagle Scout; the highest rank that can be achieved by a scout. As sisters follow their brothers, friends, and other significant male figures in their lives through their journeys to this rank, so too they should be given recognition for the work that they do. From fundraising to assisting with, and leading, Eagle projects, girls have been putting in equal amounts of time, energy and resources to the Scouts BSA program. Being able to earn merit badges and the privileges of advancing in scouting is an important step to expressing the power and prevalence of women in these youth shaping organizations. In short, Scouts BSA owes women recognition for their contributions; a strong allegory and progressive tale for career women in many industries. 

            Female scouts have been around for quite some time and have always had a strong influence in Scouts BSA. The inclusion of girls in all of their programs is an important step in appreciating this work and influence, as well as promoting equality and recognition across the gender spectrum. Just as young girls and women will learn and benefit from the Scouts BSA program, so too will the traditionally male scouts learn from them. It’s high time that we start acknowledging women in powerful organizations. To those who are still uncomfortable with the challenging of gender roles; the times are changing. Public discourse of gender politics is emerging. Consider this your formal invitation to join the discussion.